Satsang Vihar invites One and All for Dol Utsav Celebrations. Holika Dehen on 13th March 2025 at 7:30 pm onwards followed by Bhandara. Holi celebrations on 14th March 2025 from morning 10:30 am onwards followed by Bhandara. Follow us on Instagram



Messages of Sri Sri Thakur on various Topics

Politician and Politics:

He who know the tactics to nurture and fulfill the needs of life, and can efficiently deal with affairs to fulfill the existential requirements with enthusiastic appeasement is a politician of natural order, an politics dwells there with efficient move.

Law and Administration:

Judiciary is the rescue of people from the clutches of a cliquish octopus, and it is not to satisfy the whims of administration. administration is to give relief towards securing the life, property and enlightening culture of the people and to serve thereby though humane co-operation;
so administration is for the people and not the people for administration- rather it is a beneficent check individually and collectively; relief is the main factor of administration, not suffering.

Social Life:

To follow the existential process gathering with the leading impetus of the Anointed Advent and to be adjusted accordingly with every propitious co-adjusted, enthusiastic act and admiration is the essence of society.

Resistance to Evil:

Resist evil, with every rational behaviour, with every conscientious inquisitive eye of intelligence and vim and vigor, to baffle it in such a way that repentance evolves with conscientious consideration; thus demolish evil is words as well as in action to make it blessed with every devout service and have the existence blessed through the blessings of the Providence, the Provider.

Laugh, Weep and Speak:

Laugh – but not in jeer;
Weep – not out of self-interest
but from love and attachment;
Speak – but not in self applause!


Be concentric
with every urge for love.
love is life
love is faith,
love is lore,
love is a lead to active progress,
love is God
and his incarnation.


He, who serves people with their individual distinctiveness and makes them well up with unbreakable inter-interested fellow-feeling
and serves the providence with every blessed untiring uphill go of life being glorified by adherence, allegiance and active service for the Love
is a blessed boon to society.


Every active approach is divided into three spheres, first, invention, then, production and then, maintenance;
all the spheres should be considered conscientiously for the efficient performance with every cautious, polite and sharp checking against untoward consequences; effect will follow accordingly.


To bring out and materialize a congruity from among varieties and unify them meaningfully discovering their relation to existence-
is the essence of education.


Physique is the shelter oflife, activity and intelligence.


To manage the go of life with every progressive step is economy.

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